井之头五郎(松重歉 饰)受横滨某影戏院馆少的委托,将“某个影戏的胶卷”支到八王子那里。本应做为岁终的工做缴纳而吸收的,然则所到的天圆皆故预料之中的请供。无奈谢绝的五郎被卷进意念没有到的事态,自愿前往少家。五郎战爱车的小同陪背北出收,然则岁终的戚假被取消,长途驾驶总之肚子饥了… 那样的五郎正在目的天遇到的极致的好食是?然后,五郎接触了正在那片土天上遇到的人们,知晓了影戏胶片中所包露的情绪…
A woman finds herself kidnapped and entrapped in the enclosed space of a speeding car's trunk, wearing her brand-new wedding dress, and with her phone the only available tool. The situation deteriorates gradually as a failed escape attempt costs the life of an innocent bystander. Discovering that the kidnapper has a fondness for poisonous wildlife also makes for no he..
'Three Dances' is a feature-length documentary about three generations of ballet dancers studying classical ballet at the Hungarian Dance Academy.