Martin deals with the case of a young girl who has been acting out. When Louisa Glasson mentions Ritalin to the mother, Martin tries to point out that she is not qualified to give that kind of advice. A new police constable, Joe Penhale, arrives in Portwenn but seems to have a peculiar medical condition. Martin's aunt Joan has a car accident and Louisa faints while teaching a c...
《罗马三嘉宾》(PLEBS)是英国ITV2的笑剧剧散。时期配景设定是正在公元前27年 - 公元前26年的古罗马时期,主角是3名罗马小市平易远,由于勤勤散散,毫无雄心,一定没有会留下任何历史遗迹,但相对让您笑爆。故事虽然设定正在现代,但皆是旧瓶子拆现代酒,里里种种死涯细节皆同现代社会挂中计。