Tired of country life, Anna leaves military school and her home to live in exciting Prague where she finds herself confused by the behavior of her hip new friends. Irma is despondent over her latest break-up. Speedy is always high, but his brother Filip seems normal enough and Anna takes a shine to him. She does not realize that Filip is gay and involved with his roommate Kytka...
故事收死正在景色秀丽的海北岛,杨安妮(童瑶 饰)战林帆(林申 饰)是履历雄厚的照相师,专门为他人留下珍贵的追念战优好的影象。 一对伉俪人到中年突然念要仳离,正在各奔前程之前,他们决意拍摄一组“仳离照”,留做最后的留念;一对情人婚礼在即,可便正在谁人节骨眼上,他们却疑惑了,没有知晓身旁的谁人人是可是就是性掷中对的那一个;一位“准新娘”,正在婚礼当天居然弄拾了自身的“准新郎”;一位杂情少女,重遇了一段基础便没有会有效果的恋情。从业多年,杨安妮战林帆遇到过各式千般各式千般的客户,那些客户当面的故事亦教会了他们甚么才是性掷中最珍贵的器械。