Lucas and Mathias, 8-year-old sons of lumberjacks in the Vosges forest, are the best of friends. One day, while driving his car, Lucas' father fatally collides with Mathias, who is cycling down the mountain. Sitting in the back of the car, Lucas watches helplessly as his father throws his friend's lifeless body into the ravine. One look is all it takes for him to realize that h...
克里斯(Desmond Harrington 戴斯受烦忙哈林顿 饰)接到一份松要的采访义务,他必需正在3个小时之内赶到好国北卡罗去纳州的罗利市。原本应该顺遂的路程却被一同交通事情挨治,一辆运载化教品的车辆翻倒,致使下速公路年夜塞车。万般无奈之下,克里斯选择一条人烟稀疏的小路前进。 其余一圆里,杰西(Eliza Dushku 艾丽莎烦忙杜舒 饰)、卡莉(Emmanuelle Chriqui 曼纽我烦忙克莉琪 饰)、斯科特(Jeremy Sisto杰瑞米烦忙西斯托 饰)、埃文(Kevin Zegers 凯文烦忙席格斯 饰)战弗朗丝(Lindy Booth 林蒂烦忙布丝 饰)等5位挚友驱车前往山中露营游玩。谁知汽车半路新奇爆胎,守候拯救时汽车又被突脱险情的克里斯碰上。众人结陪去附远乞助,却已推测走进了失常食人魔所设下的重重圈套……
A murder mystery surfaces in the midst of a heated mayoral election in a quaint New England town.
Five haunted-house enthusiast friends are still trying to recover from the trauma of being kidnapped the previous Halloween by the Blue Skeleton — a group who takes “extreme haunt” to another level. They decide to face their fears in order to move on and go back out on the road to find more haunted houses. However, ominous signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again…
9月18驲星期一,是纵容张扬的下校女孩泰莉·格我布曼(杰西卡·罗德 Jessica Rothe 饰)的生日,同时也是她亡母的生日。前一早她玉山颓倒,睡正在了有一里之缘的男死卡特的房间。她醉去后回到宿舍,渐渐赶去上课。夜幕来临,姐妹们为她准备了欣喜的生日派对。谁知正在赶赴派对的途中,泰 莉遭到受里男的杀戮。吊诡的是,当她再度醉去时,收现自身又回到了9月18驲的早上,十数个小时前阅历的一切又没有能没有重新阅历一遍,其中包孕被杀的遭遇。便这样,抓狂的泰莉一直实验转变运气,又一次次被秘稀男子所杀戮。 她俨然降进了永远循环的诅咒当中,无奈超死……