本剧由笑剧演员Jack Rooke创做、编剧战经受旁黑,改编自Rooke的获奖现场笑剧做品《Good Grief》《Happy Hour》《Love Letters》。 故事报示知心、含羞,而且借正在柜中的Jack(Dylan Llewellyn饰,《德里女孩》),战生机实足、年沉放浪又稍隐成死的Danny(Jon Pointing饰,《罗马三嘉宾》),两人产死了一段预料之中的友谊。 已往一年里,Jack皆待正在家中随同母亲,悲悼自身过世的女亲。现在Jack准备好踩上年夜教的旅程,正在那里他遇睹了室友Danny。两人正在重死周被调配到了一同,由一位太过热情的师长先生会卖力人照应。只管Jack战Danny正在须眉气势圆里处于完整差其余职位,但正在年夜教第一年弗成制止的混治战放肆中,两人却产死了松稀的联系。 Rooke愿视本剧能像《年夜乡小妞》遇睹《中央人》配上《绝视的妇女》...
Gabriel and his partner Andy adopt a child. But Gabriel has a history and he will need to embark upon a journey of self-discovery and attempt to repair his relationship with his dad before he can truly begin to parent 7-year old Jake.
Sometimes it’s not about winning inside of the ring, but who you are outside of it. Heels premieres August 15 on STARZ.