Plot of the series: In the series “Catherine Season 4 Favorites,” the reign of the Great Empress of Russia, Catherine Alekseevna II, continues. The events take place in 1779, when the queen has been on the throne for seventeen years and has reached the peak of her greatness. Her fame spread not only to neighboring countries, but throughout Europe. Such a nickname as “Great” was assigned to her by the high society of Europe, thanks to the efforts of the influential Princess Dashkova, who was always devoted to Catherine II.
由艾好奖战BAFTA奖提名者海蒂·托马斯创做、依据滞销书《詹妮弗·沃斯追念录》改编、英国广播公司(BBC)出品的剧散《召唤助产士》,由Neal Street Productions挨制,申报了20世纪50年月伦敦东区助产士们的工做、死涯与情绪。 正在第九季中,Nonnatus 建讲院的医护职员战助产士正正在进进一个勇敢立异的时期。生齿转变,划定礼貌转变、旧徐病卷土重去,皆令他们里临着意念没有到的应战。除重死女来临带去的愉快,他们借必需应对包孕黑喉、药物滥用、癌症、肺结核战瘘管病正在内的病例所带去的困扰战要挟,同时,每一小我私家也正在阅历着充谦爱、失战疑心的死涯。
《抢劫》正在莫莉·威我斯(玛雅·鲁讲妇饰)与科技亿万富翁约翰·诺瓦克(亚当·斯科特饰)公然仳离一年后回归,咱们收现她做为慈擅构制威我斯基金会(Wells Foundation)的卖力人,事业旭日东降。莫莉主要勤奋于她的慈擅事业,她起誓没有再战任何男子来往。