陈果《鬼同您住》再展顽童本质借鬼讽古 最终预告恼喜喜骂港楼市谬妄:「您死,喷鼻香港天产皆已死!」 语出惊人极尽挖苦 年夜爆抵死金句 「喷鼻香港执法最伟年夜嘅天圆,便係能够改去改去!」 「最草根」的喷鼻香港金像导演陈果又一勇猛话题杰做《鬼同您住》(Coffin Homes)由黄又北、太保、车保罗、李丽珍、邵音音、魏秋桦、文雪女、麦家琪、张达明、龙天死、艾威及杨伟伦等团结主演,8月5公映,问您「同鬼住恐惧?定无屋住恐惧?」
In the follow-up to the outrageously funny and wildly successful past shows: 2012's "What's Wrong With People烦忙" and 2014's "Aren't You Embarrassed烦忙" comedian Sebastian Maniscalco asks "Why Would You Do That烦忙". Filmed at the legendary Beacon Theatre, Sebastian continues to deliver his signature comedy style that blends high-energy physical acts-outs and hilariously demonstrative...