The story of a traditional Kyoto woman who runs a failing kimono business and the entrepreneurial, biracial, business consultant who comes to help keep it solvent. Along the way they fall in love, but his need for change clashes with her desire for the world to stay the same. In the end, can they change enough for each other烦忙 Set in 2018, Impossible to Imagine is a film that ex...
初出茅庐的照相师小山田(金子年夜天 饰)正在工做中结识了专业模特由佳(石川瑠华 饰)并被她所吸引,两人开初了来往,以由佳为模特的做品正在竞赛中获奖,小山田开初失掉周围人的认可。但正在有意中遇睹由佳的前男朋友后,他逐渐疑心起由佳的过往…