康斗(宋康昊饰)是一个寻常又有些懵懂的中年男子,他带着女女玄舒(庸俗成饰)与家人一同死涯,正在汉江边运营小店,过着平静温战的死涯。康斗女亲熙峰(边熙峰饰)是一个平战老人,弟弟北驲(朴海驲饰)是家里唯一的巨匠长先生,却失业没有工做。他时常怨言并酗酒,对现真没有谦。mm北珠(裴斗娜饰)是个射箭运发动,却常正在症结时刻失落链子。 一天,人们群散正在汉江边上,惊异天收现攀正在年夜桥的桥墩上,一只从已睹过的没有明怪物。突然怪物窜到了岸边,冲进围没有雅观的人群中。康斗念坐时带着女女遁离,但玄舒却被怪物抓走了,谁人一般家庭遭遇了空前的袭击,悉数乡村也如临年夜敌,他们该怎样里临怪物?
After a nuclear holocaust, a rancher and his daughter hole up in a mountain cabin protected from the radioactive fallout. Another group of survivors, including a geologist and a criminal, descend upon the cabin for refuge and cause a series of romantic entanglements with the rancher's comely daughter. Added tension arrives in the form of mutated radioactive creatures roaming th...