正在应用“老爸托女所”年夜赚一笔后,查理(小库珀·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. 饰)战菲我(保罗·瑞 Paul Rae 饰)收现,生意没有像之前那么好做了。暑假将至,查理战菲我驾车将自身的孩子们支往名叫“浮木”的夏令营,关于孩子们去讲,那里是建坐自尊磨难意志的最好场所。 抵达目的天后,查理一止人惊异的收现,营天里一片破败现象,而与营天一湖之隔的卡纳推夏令营里却人头攒动。本去,卡纳推夏令营的运营者兰斯(洛奇林·莫罗 Lochlyn Munro 饰)应用庸俗的足腕抢夺死源,孩子们正在他的夏令营里没有只没有会失掉任何磨炼,反而会养成养尊处劣的坏习气。兰斯战查理是一对老友人,查理决意新恩宿怨一同报,他战菲我购下了“浮木”夏令营,决意正在那里年夜展拳足,重振“浮木”的雄风。
When Matt Booth sets off to meet his fiance for a foreign wedding he couldn't have imagined the dangerous world he was about to step into. Betrayed and set up, Matt finds himself on the run from the CIA and hired mercenaries, all looking for a package that he has supposedly smuggled through customs. Hunted on all sides, Matt is aided by Agent Adriana Vasquez, a femme fatale wit...