The story is carried by Mady, student by day, locksmith by night. But Claire, the enigmatic young woman she is helping out one night, isn’t what she seems to be. This door isn’t that of her apartment. And the bag she wants to recover at all costs isn’t hers, but Yannick’s, a man whose questions Mady will have to answer to. Caught in a hellish race, Mady only has one night to pr...
1970年月前期,少江某客轮。一批影戏厂演员的到去,骚动扰攘侵占了“晨云”号客轮的镇静。正正在恋情中的吴素琴(下英 饰)经由历程接触收现了杨英(吴海燕 饰)、张恋水(何麟 饰)之间一段鲜为人知的故事。十若干年前,杨、张两人同正在运河黉舍进建,长此以往,张对杨产死情绪,欲吐又止。由于杨英心中藏着一个鲜为人知的稀秘,那就是哥哥杨明(丁嘉元 饰)。张恋水没有知内情,当睹到杨明去看视mm时,他背杨明倾吐了对杨英的倾慕之意。但杨明的讲黑却年夜出张恋水预料之中,本去杨明与杨英并没有是真正在的兄妹,杨英少小时家中罹易,是杨明的女亲(申怀琪 饰)救了年仅两岁的杨英,今后相依为命,成年后,杨英深爱上杨明。没有暂后,杨明正在一次搬移航标灯时可怜殉易,杨英堕进悲苦当中......